
HTS Code 9817.00 - Nets or sections or parts of nets:

HTS CodeDescriptionUnit of QtyRate Of Duty
Column 1Column 2
General Rate Of DutySpecial Rate Of Duty2
9817.00.80Articles of copperFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this subheading
9817.00.92Books, music and pamphlets, in raised print, used exclusively by or for themFreeFree
9817.00.94Braille tablets, cubarithms, and special apparatus, machines, presses, and types for their use or benefit exclusivelyFreeFree
9817.00.20.00Monofilament gill nets to be used for fish samplingkgFreeFree
9817.00.30.00To be used in taking wild birds under license issued by an appropriate Federal or State governmental authoritykgFreeFree
9817.00.40.00Developed photographic film, including motion-picture film on which pictures or sound and pictures have been recorded; photographic slides; transparencies; sound recordings; recorded video tape; models (except toy models); charts; maps; globes; and posters; all of the foregoing which are determined to be visual or auditory materials in accordance with U.S. note 1(a) of this subchapterkgFreeFree
9817.00.42.00Holograms for laser projection; microfilm, microfiches and similar articleskgFreeFree
9817.00.44.00Motion-picture films in any form on which pictures, or sound and pictures, have been recorded, whether or not developedNo.FreeFree
9817.00.46.00Sound recordings, combination sound and visual recordings, and magnetic recordings; video discs, video tapes and similar articlesNo.FreeFree
9817.00.48.00Patterns and wall charts; globes; mock-ups or visualizations of abstract concepts such as molecular structures or mathematical formulae; materials for programmed instruction; and kits containing printed materials and audio materials or any combination of two or more of the foregoingNo.FreeFree
9817.00.50.00Machinery, equipment and implements to be used for agricultural or horticultural purposesFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.00.60.00Parts to be used in articles provided for in headings 8432, 8433, 8434 and 8436, whether or not such parts are principally used as parts of such articles and whether or not covered by a specific provision within the meaning of additional U.S. rule of interpretation 1(c)FreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.00.70.00Animals, game, imported to be liberated in the United States for stocking purposesNo.FreeFree
9817.00.90.40Pigs, ingots or billets
9817.00.90.60Relaying or rerolling rails
9817.00.98.00Theatrical scenery, properties and apparel brought into the United States by proprietors or managers of theatrical, ballet, opera or similar productions arriving from abroad for temporary use by them in such productionskgFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading

What is HTS Code 8 and 10?

While the first 6 digits of HS Code are the same globally, the next 2-4 digits are different for each country

Types of Rate of Duty

Column 1 - "General" Column 1 "general" is the General sub-column of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). Countries whose goods qualify for these rates are considered countries with which the U.S. has "Normal Trade Relations"(NTR).

Column 1 - "Special" Many countries that qualify for column one rates may also qualify for preferential duty rates under a variety of special trade agreements as listed in the "Special" sub-column of Column 1.

Column 2 Countries not covered by NTR are commonly referred to as "Column Two" countries, meaning duty rates for products from these countries are listed in Column two of the HTS. Currently, the only countries with Column Two status are Cuba and North Korea.

Some of the symbols used to designate the various preference programs and trade agreements in the "Special" sub column can be found here.

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